07 July 2008

Thought of the Day - Perception and Reality

I know people who vehemently believe that perception is reality and some who are convinced reality is an absolute. I on the other hand fall somewhere in between.

I think there are some things where reality is absolute; scientific facts, the nature of matter at a macroscopic level, physical objects.

On the other hand anything that is artificially constructed by people is skewed by the perception of the person and other observers. Money for example is a human construct, it has no value other than that which we assign it. Therefore the amount of money you think you have is based on perception, on comparing it with the amount of money you think other people have. If you feel rich compared to those around you then you are, if you feel poor then you are. In this instance perception isn't the full story though, just by believing you are rich does not make it so in the eyes of others, you can't buy a Lamborghini on belief alone.

So perception determines how you feel but what about how you live your life? I think in this instance perception is even more relevant. If you think you are a lucky person, in your mind you are, no disagreement with other peoples perceptions will change that, the same if you think you are healthy. Now i know there are those who argue that believing you are lucky or healthy manifests that as reality in your life, i'm not sure if i believe that. But i do think that as long as you believe it then that is all that matters.

Anyway enough amateur philosophy for the evening.

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